Sailing at the 1952 Summer Olympics – 5.5 metre class

5.5 Metre
at the Games of the XV Olympiad

Venue Harmaja
Dates July 20-28
Competitors 49 from 16 nations
Teams 16
    United States
Sailing at the
 1952 Summer Olympics 
Finn Open
Star Open
Dragon Open
5.5 Metre Open
6 Metre Open

The 5.5 Metre was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1952 Summer Olympics program in Harmaja. Seven races were scheduled. 49 sailors, on 16 boats, from 16 nations competed.



Helmsman (Country) Crew Yachtname Race I Race II Race III Race IV Race V Race VI Race VII Total
Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points Rank Points
 Britton Chance  (USA) Michael Schoettle
Edgar White
Sumner White
Complex II 4 703 1 1305 10 305 11 264 3 828 1 1305 1 1305 6015 5751
 Peder Lunde  (NOR) Vibeke Lunde
Børre Falkum-Hansen
Encore 2 1004 5 606 2 1004 2 1004 10 305 2 1004 4 703 5630 5325
 Folke Wassén  (SWE) Carl-Erik Ohlson
Magnus Wassén
Hojwa 1 1305 10 305 1 1305 3 828 7 460 9 351 13 191 4745 4554
4  Duarte M.D'Almeida Bello  (POR) Fernando Pinto Coelho Bello
Júlio De Sousa Leite Gourinho
Sjöhäxa 6 527 4 703 5 606 1 1305 8 402 4 703 5 606 4852 4450
5  Rodolfo Albino Vollenweider  (ARG) Tomas Galfrascoli
Ludovico Enrique Kempter
Gullvinge 3 828 9 351 4 703 7 460 2 1004 7 460 6 527 4333 3982
6  Robert Perry  (GBR) John Dillon
Neil Aylmer Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick
Unique 11 264 11 264 7 460 5 606 1 1305 11 264 3 828 3991 3727
7  Leslie Noel Horsfield  (RSA) Joseph Ellis-Brown
Eric Creighton Benningfield
Shoveller 12 226 13 191 3 828 6 527 6 527 3 828 8 402 3529 3338
8  Hans Dittmar  (FIN) Arne Frithiof Louis Castrén
Johan Erik Stadigh
Teresita 8 402 3 828 12 226 10 305 9 351 8 402 2 1004 3518 3292
9  Hans Lubinus  (GER) Hans-Hermann Magnusson
Ludwig Bielenberg
Tom Kyle 7 460 14 159 8 402 8 402 4 703 6 527 9 351 3004 2845
10  Dario Salata  (ITA) Giorgio Audizio
Egone Jackin
Mirtala 9 351 6 527 9 351 4 703 13 191 12 226 7 460 2809 2618
11  Poul Arnold Ohff  (DEN) Henning Roger Christensen
Ingeman Peter Bylling Jensen
Jill 5 606 7 460 DNF 0 13 191 5 606 5 606 DSQ 0 2469 2469
12  Henri Copponex  (SUI) Markus Schurch
Pierre Chuit
Tam-Tam II 13 191 2 1004 DSQ 0 14 159 15 129 13 191 DSQ 0 1674 1674
13  Willem de Vries Lentsch, Jr.  (NED) Philippus Harco Keegstra
Pieter Jan van der Giessen
De Ruyter 14 159 8 402 11 264 12 226 14 159 10 305 12 226 1741 1582
14  Jean Marie Pierre Roux-Delimal  (FRA) Jacques Henry Jules Allard
Noël Libert Calone
Damoiselle 10 305 16 101 6 527 15 129 16 101 15 129 11 264 1556 1455
15  Donald Carlton Pritchard  (BAH) Basil Herbert McKinney
Basil Trevor Kelly
Godfrey Walter Higgs
Yeoman 15 129 12 226 13 191 9 351 12 226 16 101 10 305 1529 1428
16  Konstantin Aleksandrov  (URS) Lev Alekseev
Pavel Pankrashkin
Burevestnik 16 101 15 129 14 159 16 101 11 264 14 159 14 159 1072 971

DNF = Did Not Finish, DNS= Did Not Start, DSQ = Disqualified

= Male,  = Female

Daily standings

Conditions at Harmaja

Of the total of three race area's only two were needed during the Olympics in Harmaja. Each of the classes was using the same scoring system.

Date Race Sky Wind direction Wind speed (m/s)
20-JUL-1952 I Grand yachting weather SW 6-7
21-JUL-1952 II Calm sea, later rain SW 1-2
22-JUL-1952 III Magnificent seas SW 10
23-JUL-1952 IV Shifty 3-4
26-JUL-1952 V Rainy SW 3-6
27-JUL-1952 VI SW 4-6
28-JUL-1952 VII Fine and sunny Shifty Light


  1. ^ The 1952 Olympic scoring system was used.
  2. ^ Total after applying discard.
